

NEBBIA 1965: Herrenkollektion entwickelt mit The Olympia

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1965 und die größten Anführer des Bodybuildings dieser Zeit treffen sich in New York. Das historisch erste Olympia-Wochenende, dessen Vater Joe Weider ist, steht vor der Tür. Sein Ziel war es, das Bodybuilding auf ein professionelles Sportniveau zu heben, den Bodybuildern eine Mission zu geben, die ihnen hilft, die Grenzen des Wortes "unmöglich" zu überschreiten und die Idee der Kalokagathie in der breiten Öffentlichkeit zu verbreiten. Wir haben es nicht...

06.07.2021 3 minutes


NEBBIA verbindet dich mit MR OLYMPIA Legenden

Am Anfang war es die Mission von The Olympia, Bodybuilding auf ein professionelles Sportniveau zu heben und den Bodybuildern ein Ziel zu geben - ein Ziel, das sie dazu bringt, Berge zu versetzen, die Grenzen des Möglichen zu sprengen und die Idee von Kalokagatia in der breiten Öffentlichkeit zu verbreiten. Wir haben es nicht vergessen. Auch nach mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert ist der Mr. Olympia immer noch ein Symbol für Disziplin, Selbstaufopferung und Demut. Es ist eine Ehre für...

30.06.2021 2 minutes


NEBBIA: Wir produzieren für Menschen mit einer Leidenschaft für Fitness

Manchmal können Menschen von ihrem Weg abkommen. Sie werden die Motivation verlieren, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Wir werden ein Geheimnis mit dir teilen, dank dem wir immer fokussiert bleiben. Bei NEBBIA gehen wir unseren eigenen Weg und wir haben immer eine klare Haltung bei anstehenden Herausforderungen - wir vergessen nie den Grund, warum wir angefangen haben. Bei NEBBIA ist die Antwort immer DU!Wir leben für Fitness. Wir kreieren für dich.Bei NEBBIA stellen wir uns die...

28.06.2021 2 minutes


Erster Tag bei NEBBIA

Um deinen Traumjob zu erreichen, musstest du einen schwierigen Auswahlprozess durchlaufen. Du wurdest für diesen Job eingestellt und das ist ein großer Erfolg, aber deine harte Arbeit ist hier nicht zu Ende. Schon gar nicht hier bei NEBBIA. Dein erster Tag wird dir jedoch helfen, den Sinn der Dinge zu verstehen. Du wirst deine neuen Kollegen mit einer ansteckenden Menge an Energie kennenlernen. Lies über den ersten Tag bei NEBBIA.Gleich vorweg muss ich dir sagen, dass ich selbst...

14.06.2021 3 minutes


Neue Öko-Kollektion OCEAN SELECTED: Mach mit bei der Veränderung

Steige auf die Umweltwelle auf und mach mit, damit die Ozeane sauberer werden. Wir bringen dir die neue umweltfreundliche Kollektion OCEAN SELECTED, die, wie der Name schon sagt, Energie, Kraft und Ungezähmtheit enthält. Dank der funktionellen Eigenschaften des SEAQUALTM -Materials wirst du dein Sommertraining mit maximalem Schwung und dem guten Gefühl genießen, dass du mit dem Kauf deiner Fitnesskleidung dazu beigetragen hast, Plastik aus den Ozeanen zu entfernen. Von...

08.06.2021 2 minutes


NEBBIA reinigt die Ozeane: Mach mit!

Die Menschheit produziert jährlich fast 400 Millionen Tonnen Plastik. Von dieser Menge landen jedes Jahr 12 Millionen Tonnen im Meer. Bei diesem Tempo wird es bis 2050 mehr Plastik als Fische in unseren Meeren geben. Das wollen wir verhindern, deshalb erweitern wir unsere Kollektion an Kleidung aus recyceltem Material. Hilf uns, die Ozeane zu reinigen! Um mit fast-fashion zu konkurrieren ...

29.05.2021 2 minutes


What to wear during workouts - cotton or polyester?

We intuitively choose natural materials when buying clothes. At the same time, we call polyester and other synthetic fabrics “artificial”. However, emotions should be pushed aside when buying sportswear. Even though cotton shirts are a timeless classic, they may not always be the best thing for you. Learn when to choose the functional attributes of polyester and when to go for the pleasant cotton. Sports...

21.05.2021 3 minutes


Bodybuilding Legends Wear NEBBIA

NEBBIA is an official sponsor of athlete clothing at The Olympia for the 6th year in a row now. Having such a massive responsibility, we do not take this sponsorship lightly, and always come fully prepared. The clothing must be top quality, performance-oriented, and adjusted to the specific requirements of high-profile champions and bodybuilding legends.Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend is the most prestigious event in the fitness world. It is an international...

20.05.2021 1 minute


Ein kompletter Leitfaden für Sportbekleidungsmaterialien

Früher reichten ein altes T-Shirt und eine Jogginghose für ein Workout aus. Doch die Technologie und der Markt haben sich weiterentwickelt und wir sind mit ihnen gegangen. Genau wie ein akribisch geplantes Workout, kann akribisch geplante Sportkleidung darüber entscheiden, ob du durchschnittlich oder dein bestmögliches Ich sein wirst. Jedes Material hat Vor- und Nachteile, daher solltest du das am besten geeignete für deinen Sport wählen. Unser NEBBIA-Guide wird dir die Wahl...

13.05.2021 4 minutes


5 tips on how to choose the right fitness leggings

Many women have burnt themselves on choosing the wrong kind of leggings. Some had the leggings roll on their stomachs, some were too tight and were digging into their skin. And let us not even mention see-through material during squats. The right leggings are like a second skin - you do not even know about them and they support you during every training. Avoid embarrassment at the gym and focus only on your performance. Let us help...

26.04.2021 3 minutes


5 exercises for him: Exercise correctly and effectively!

Every exercise demands a proper technique that needs to be maintained. This will help you avoid unnecessary injuries and make your workouts more effective. With the proper technique, you will focus on the correct muscles and see the results of your effort much faster. In this article, we will teach you 5 exercises, which you will also find in our home workout programme. Squats  Rounded back, dancing knees and...

23.04.2021 3 minutes


How to Choose Swimwear for Your Body Type

The winter is long gone and the sun is getting brighter and warmer every day. Yes, summer is approaching and so is the swimwear season. Swimsuits play an important functional role, but choosing the right one can highlight your femininity and make you feel super comfortable even if you're not a beach gal. Let us help you choose swimwear that actually suits your body type and character. With our swimwear guide, you'll be ready for summer in no time.TIP: Do you want to...

26.03.2021 2 minutes


INTENSE - a new collection inspired by women like you

Are you ready to put everything into it? A new collection for those who never give upSome people write down “I will start working out” every year as a New Year’s resolution. You are not one of those people though. You are determined and disciplined. You choose to put 100% into everything you do. For your health, for your fitness, and for the ability to enjoy every moment in life to the fullest. You know what you want and that is an intense commitment to fitness....

25.02.2021 3 minutes


4 Reasons Why You Need Bubble Butts in Your Closet

We all know it. A beautiful bottom does not come cheap. And yet, fashion magazines are filled with clothes that should cover these body parts, or even hide them, as if they never existed.But you are proud of your curves. You work hard, and you want to put them on display. You need a different kind of fashion. One which would celebrate your body to the fullest. For you, NEBBIA developed a truly unique cut of trousers - Bubble...

15.02.2021 3 minutes


Home Workout - Tips for Burning Calories and Getting in Shape by Athlete Viktor Vincze

Get your blood pumping and get in shape! All you need are these basic exercises.It may be hard to improve your physical condition in the current situation, but it is not impossible. For those of you who want to do something for your health, we have an effective, short-but-sweet home workout plan. No equipment needed, just the will to get up from the couch.Below, you will find 7 basic exercises, which...

30.01.2021 4 minutes


Mr. Olympia 2020 - an exclusive backstage look with NEBBIA

The world has been indisputably marked by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, the biggest bodybuilding event, Mr. Olympia, found its way even in the “new normal” and NEBBIA had the chance to participate. We did not expect otherwise, as we have been a proud partner for 6 years and counting. Kamil, our video content manager, flew to Florida in order to give you a personal and unique look to how the whole weekend went.Mr. Olympia is an international bodybuilding competition,...

22.01.2021 5 minutes


2020 was an unforgettable experience for NEBBIA

2020 surely did not go as expected. The beginning of the year looked very promising yet it all took a different turn very quickly. At NEBBIA, we always prized our dynamic environment and our ability to react to changes rather quickly. And so when the pandemic hit us, we had to create a game plan.The NEBBIA team started working from home, and soon we experienced the first challenges as everyone else who was forced to change their lifestyle. But NEBBIA is resilient. As we preach high...

06.01.2021 4 minutes


How To Stay On Healthy Track by VIKTOR VINCZE

2020 was definitely one for the books. Difficult is an understatement, and I think you all agree. However, I don’t want to point out all the unprecedented realities of this year, but needless to say, Covid-19 halted many visits to the gym or ruined our eagerness to keep fit. Hand in hand with the lack of athletic activity, either due to sickness or strict government restrictions (closed gyms anyone?) a few have put the healthy lifestyle on the back burner. However, those of you who...

19.12.2020 4 minutes


The Gifts He Really Wants This Year

Christmas is here and you may be wondering: What present should I get for my friend/boyfriend? We know it might be really difficult to find a great gift for men. That is why we decided to create an exclusive guideline to the most popular gifts that people purchase for Christmas year after year and always come back to buy more.Sit down, light a candle, and think of your loved ones and what they might...

07.12.2020 3 minutes


The Gifts She Really Wants This Year

It's that time of year again. Colorful lights, scented candles, baked apples, and cinnamon rolls - the most anticipated season of the year is here. The Christmas atmosphere has come to the town. It's a time of giving thanks, treating our loved ones with love and kindness, receiving gifts, and giving in return. Gift giving is a form of art.At NEBBIA, we understand the struggles of figuring out the perfect gift. Sometimes, we can spend endless hours searching for just the thing that...

05.12.2020 3 minutes


Day In the Life of Social Media Manager

There’s never a dull moment in the NEBBIA office. This is true for the entire team regardless of a department - design, production, sales, marketing, retail, accounting, or administration - and I can confidently say that we all share a passion for the dynamics of the industry and our professional endeavors.In this section titled The Day In The Life, we will be introducing individual members of the NEBBIA team and share with you the secrets of their day to day professional...

11.11.2020 4 minutes


Our New Collection LIMITLESS Is Out!

The time has finally come to showcase the new men's collection and we could not be more proud of the result. The entire NEBBIA team had worked super hard to deliver something new, designed especially for hard-working, hard-training, ambitious men. For men like you. After a few previous drops dedicated to women and femininity, for example, our Aloha Babe or Honey...

28.10.2020 3 minutes


Honey Bunny Is Here!

It's finally here! Sunday 4.10 was one of the most exciting days for NEBBIA as we launched our feminine collection Honey Bunny and our #NEBBIAGIRL Karolina Huvarova appeared on the cover of Playboy. To spice it up a little bit, together with Playboy we organized an unforgettable PLAYBOYxNEBBIA show. We even brought in dancers to shake up the floors and hypnotize the audience with intriguing visuals and choreography.When Playboy...

11.10.2020 3 minutes



When PLAYBOY CZ approached us to have NEBBIA pieces featured in the October issue of the magazine, we were flattered. And our excitement was doubled a few days later when we found out that our own #NEBBIAGIRL Karolína Huvarová will be the PLAYMATE of the issue!NEBBIA X PLAYBOY Not only we admire PLAYBOY and its iconic legacy, but we also like the direction they took with...

24.09.2020 1 minute


7 Most Popular Fitness Poses on Instagram

Not every selfie is created equal. When you snap a picture with a goal to publish on social media, you're automatically open to public reaction, and will instantly realize its success or failure in terms of popularity. And for this reason, we decided to dive in to the world of fitness  posing and fashion selfies and do a little analysis on our own Instagram profile that features tons of user generated content and professional photography to find the secret behind what makes a post popular....

09.09.2020 2 minutes
