Valerija Slapnik "My favourite piece is definitely new bikini that Nebbia launched this summer. My all time favourite cut for rounder booty, perfect V shape, to make your legs longer and waist smaller. New NS shorts are really my favourite ever! They suit perfect for your bottom, the sewing is again nicely done to make it more rounder. I adore them. You can see a lot of leggins from different companies, and all might look...
14.12.2018 2 minutes
Last week we opened our third franchise store in Ostrava. There are so many people in Czech republic that we would like to motivate to fulfill their dreams. The whole process of opening a new store wasn’t easy but we had a clear goal and we went after it. We are more than proud that we achieved this together! It showed our team spirit, hardwork and determination. We are looking forward to see you in Ostrava. ...
29.11.2018 1 minute
Each of us has big or small dreams. Someone dreams of traveling, someone wants to have an eight-figure sum in the bank account, or Ferrari in the garage, someone dreams of a dream job, a perfect partner, or ... of a dream body ☺ But not everyone is willing to live for their dream. Because it's easy to dream, but it's harder to go all the way to our dreams, with the knowledge that the result is uncertain, even though we believe in it with all our hearts. Maybe...
22.11.2018 2 minutes
„We didn’t want to create just a new collection. We wanted to start a new era in fitness clothing!“The main idea of the new AW Line, which drops in the fall of 2018, is to bring new trends into men's fitness fashion, to create something bold and at the same time possible to wear, while maintaining the functionality and qualities that are most important for fitness wear.For more than a year, we've been working on creating a new collection for...
08.11.2018 5 minutes
We asked our perfect beast ROELLY WINKLAAR which gym outfit is his favorite. And he was pretty sure about what it’s gonna be :) Let's be inspired by Roelly - the people's champ at the Mr. Olympia 2018 and winner at EVLS Prague Pro 2018! ...
12.10.2018 1 minute
Ice cream is in the summer my most favourite ever so I started making my own one. It is better as I can control what ingredients I use as I don’t add sugar, and also for the nutrients, because ice cream doesn’t have to be unhealthy and it still can taste awesome. Try this simple and quick homemade blueberry frozen yogurt. Ingredients: 250g blueberries 250g greek yogurt 1 tsp honey...
26.07.2018 1 minute
Asparagus is a great vegetable. Not only it taste amazing, but it has loads of health benefits, such as high iron content, which strengthens our immune system. Asparagus helps to detoxify our body or it helps fight inflammation. And its currently in the season so just try this great asparagus soup.Ingredients (4 servings) 500g White Asparagus (you can use green asparagus as well)2 Onions1 Spring Onion50g...
28.05.2018 1 minute
INGREDIENTS240g wholegrain spelt flour or oats flower7g baking powder20g nuts (I used almonds or walnuts)1 tsp salt1 tsp honey4 very ripe bananas3 eggs2 tsp coconut oil2 tsp vanilla extract1 tbsp lemon juice METHOD...
17.04.2018 1 minute
INGREDIENTS 1,5 L chicken stock 2 chicken breasts or chicken leftovers 2 TBLS rice wine 2 TBLS soy sauce 1 TBL Worcestershire sauce 5 slices fresh ginger 3 cloves of garlic 1 pack ramen noodles 1 carrot 100g seaweed 100g enoki mushrooms 3 eggs 2 spring onions chilli...
31.03.2018 1 minute
Opening a new store in Bratislava means a lot to us in NEBBIA. Our products are currently sold in more than 40 countries worldwide and today we are one of the world's leading fitness brands.This did not happen overnight and our journey to the top was not easy, it was a journey full of falls and mistakes. But thanks to our tenacity and the goal, which we had still on our mind, we made it! That's why I am so proud to open our store in our capital city Bratislava....
07.02.2018 1 minute
The arrival of the New Year is for many of us the time when we balance what we have done in past and we give ourselves a preference for everything we can change in our lives from 1st January. Someone wants to lose weight, stop smoking, go to their first competition, or become a new Mr. Olympia. Whatever your preference is, it is very important to have a goal in front of you, not just for the New Year's Eve. Not having goals and dreams is like swimming in the...
02.01.2018 1 minute
Why and with whom did I go on this journey? Those of you who are following me know that this year I will take part in the world's most prestigious bodybuilding competition Mr. Olympia. I see this participation as an absolute privilege, moreover because of my age and the speed with which I have managed to get to this top of the world. I'm really looking forward to it, and I know I will enjoy it to the fullest! However, as at all previous competitions, I want to get the most out of this, to...
14.09.2017 10 minutes
In every birthday blog I write basically same things :) NEBBIA wouldn‘t exist without you, our customers, and without our team. I was wondering if I should write about the same theme this year too. I don‘t want it to look like a cliché. Finally I decided to stick with it. With the growth of a business there is always an increase in the number of people working for the company. We are no exception and today we have jobs in the company that we didn‘t even know they exist. I‘ve always...
22.08.2017 4 minutes
On many of our promotional materials we say that we love fitness. We even have it printed on our special wallpapers in stores and in our office J Many companies use different advertising slogans which are designed for them by various marketing and creative agencies, and it is often the case that their slogan becomes a purposeful cliché over time. Nebbia has a love for fitness in her DNA! If my and Stanka’s life wasn’t all about fitness before 1997, Nebbia wouldn’t exist...
13.06.2017 1 minute
Name: Egberton Rulove „Roelly“ Etienne-WinklaarJob: IFBB professional bodybuilderHeight: 169 cmDate of birth: 22.6.1977Place of birth: Curacao, CaribicWeight on-season: cca 122 kgWieght off-season: 130 kgNicknames: Dutch...
31.05.2017 4 minutes
Najskôr k otázke, či bolo naším zámerom vzbudiť rasistické diskusie a vďaka nim sa marketingovo zviditeľniť... NEBOLO! Je len na vás, či tomu budete veriť alebo nie. Nebbia (napriek tomu, že väčšina z vás nás predtým nepoznala) je jednotkou v segmente fitness oblečenia v Európe, pričom máme celosvetovú pôsobnosť. Preto sa nikto z nášho marketingového oddelenia nezamýšľa nad tým, odkiaľ športovec je, alebo nebodaj, akú má farbu pleti... Nebbia je...
13.02.2017 11 minutes
According to me, people cannot be divided between good and bad, but rather between good and stupid. The next article is devoted to the second read carefully!The man on a photo is our good friend Dennis. He is European, just like you and I. He graduated from the university, he has a body physique you won’t ever have and also a beautiful blond wife. Dennis‘ fantastic shape and his sport results were the reason why we chose...
07.02.2017 2 minutes
INGREDIENTS: 150g frozen spinach (you can use fresh too)1 CUP wholemeal flour1 CUP milk (coconut, soy, almond, ...)1 egg2-3 cloves of garlichandful of chopped onion (or spring onion)salt and black pepperolive or coconut oilslices of hammozzarella or any type of cheeseDIRECTIONS:Thaw spinach. In a large bowl mix...
27.01.2017 1 minute
OriginAt the beginning there was nothing else than butt :) And alongside there was a desire to draw the attention to one of the most beautiful parts of female body. After all, every woman, who works hard on her appearance, wants to show it, let it stand out and be proud of it. Well, of course, without the right audience it wouldn’t be of the desired effect. The compliment from a man to a woman’s butt, when she‘s passing by,...
02.12.2016 3 minutes
Nebbia is fitness brand and our business is very similar to sport. In sport you get nothing for free. You have to test everything on yourself to find out which exercises are good for you, which food is the most suitable. At the beginning your idols are at your local gym. Once you reach their level or you become better, you aim higher… to be the best in your country. If you are lucky enough and you succeed, there comes another goal… to reach the absolute top. Of course, in competitive...
27.10.2016 2 minutes
Nebbia is surrounded by many amazing athletes. We sponsor fitness world stars and we are also working on two team projects – AESTHETIC WARRIOR TEAM and ELITE TEAM. We are trying to put together people with same goals and dedication for fitness.With the benefit of hindsight, I know that you can’t force or tell someone that he or she must be a friend with him or her and thus they would naturally support each other. Friendship is...
13.10.2016 2 minutes