

NEBBIA te conecta a las leyendas de MR OLYMPIA 

Al comienzo, la misión de The Olympia era llevar el fisicoculturismo a un nivel profesional, para brindarles a los fisicoculturistas un propósito – un objetivo que los hará mover montañas, romper los límites de lo que es posible, y esparcir la idea de la kalokagatia al público general. No nos hemos olvidado. luego de más de un siglo, Mr. Olympia sigue siendo un símbolo de disciplina, autosacrificio, y humildad. Es un honor para NEBBIA poder patrocinar tal evento magnífico...

30.06.2021 2 minutes

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NEBBIA: Producimos para personas con una pasión por el fitness

A veces las personas se desvían de su camino. Van a perder motivación para alcanzar sus objetivos. Vamos a compartir nuestros secretos contigo, gracias a lo cual siempre permaneceremos enfocados. Aquí en NEBBIA vamos por nuestro propio camino y siempre tenemos una actitud segura respecto de nuestros objetivos – jamás olvidamos la verdadera razón por la que comenzamos. ¡En NEBBIA la respuesta eres TÚ!Vivimos por el fitness. Creamos para tiEn NEBBIA nos preguntamos...

28.06.2021 2 minutes

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Primer día en NEBBIA

Tener el trabajo de tus sueños significa atravesar un proceso de selección complejo. Has sido contratado para este trabajo, y eso es un gran éxito, pero tu trabajo no termina aquí. Especialmente no aquí en NEBBIA. Sin embargo, tu primer día te ayudará a entender muchas cosas. Conocerás a tus nuevos colegas, quienes tienen mucha energía. Lee sobre el primer día en NEBBIA. Lo primero que te diré es que yo soy la última persona que comenzó a trabajar...

14.06.2021 3 minutes

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Nueva colección ecológica OCEAN SELECTED: Se parte del cambio

Súbete a la ola de la sustentabilidad y únete a nosotros para cambiar los océanos y que estén limpios. Traemos la nuevo colección ecológica OCEAN SELECTED, la cual, como lo dice su nombre, contiene energía, poder y naturaleza salvaje. Gracias a los atributos funcionales del material SEAQUALTM disfrutarás de tu entrenamiento de verano al máximo, sintiéndote parte de la limpieza de los océanos a través de tu ropa escogida para entrenar. Inspirado en la...

06.08.2021 3 minutes

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NEBBIA limpia los océanos: ¡Únete a nosotros!

La humanidad produce casi 400 millones de toneladas de plástico anualmente. Partiendo de esa cantidad, 12 millones de toneladas se encuentran en el océano cada año. Con este ritmo, habrá más plástico que peces en los mares en el año 2050. Queremos prevenir eso, y es por eso que estamos expandiendo nuestra colección de indumentaria de materiales reciclados. ¡Ayúdanos a limpiar los océanos! Para...

29.05.2021 3 minutes

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INTENSE - a new collection inspired by women like you

Are you ready to put everything into it? A new collection for those who never give upSome people write down “I will start working out” every year as a New Year’s resolution. You are not one of those people though. You are determined and disciplined. You choose to put 100% into everything you do. For your health, for your fitness, and for the ability to enjoy every moment in life to the fullest. You know what you want and that is an intense commitment to fitness....

25.02.2021 3 minutes

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4 Reasons Why You Need Bubble Butts in Your Closet

We all know it. A beautiful bottom does not come cheap. And yet, fashion magazines are filled with clothes that should cover these body parts, or even hide them, as if they never existed.But you are proud of your curves. You work hard, and you want to put them on display. You need a different kind of fashion. One which would celebrate your body to the fullest. For you, NEBBIA developed a truly unique cut of trousers - Bubble...

15.02.2021 3 minutes

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Mr. Olympia 2020 - an exclusive backstage look with NEBBIA

The world has been indisputably marked by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, the biggest bodybuilding event, Mr. Olympia, found its way even in the “new normal” and NEBBIA had the chance to participate. We did not expect otherwise, as we have been a proud partner for 6 years and counting. Kamil, our video content manager, flew to Florida in order to give you a personal and unique look to how the whole weekend went.Mr. Olympia is an international bodybuilding competition,...

22.01.2021 5 minutes

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2020 was an unforgettable experience for NEBBIA

2020 surely did not go as expected. The beginning of the year looked very promising yet it all took a different turn very quickly. At NEBBIA, we always prized our dynamic environment and our ability to react to changes rather quickly. And so when the pandemic hit us, we had to create a game plan.The NEBBIA team started working from home, and soon we experienced the first challenges as everyone else who was forced to change their lifestyle. But NEBBIA is resilient. As we preach high...

01.06.2021 4 minutes

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Day In The Life of Social Media Influencer

There’s never a dull moment in the NEBBIA office. This is true for the entire team regardless of a department - design, production, sales, marketing, retail, accounting, or administration - and I can confidently say that we all share a passion for the dynamics of the industry and our professional endeavors.In this section titled The Day In The Life, we will be introducing individual members of the NEBBIA team and share with you the secrets of their day to day professional...

11.11.2020 4 minutes

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Our New Collection LIMITLESS Is Out!

The time has finally come to showcase the new men's collection and we could not be more proud of the result. The entire NEBBIA team had worked super hard to deliver something new, designed especially for hard-working, hard-training, ambitious men. For men like you. After a few previous drops dedicated to women and femininity, for example, our Aloha Babe or Honey...

28.10.2020 3 minutes

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Honey Bunny Is Here!

It's finally here! Sunday 4.10 was one of the most exciting days for NEBBIA as we launched our feminine collection Honey Bunny and our #NEBBIAGIRL Karolina Huvarova appeared on the cover of Playboy. To spice it up a little bit, together with Playboy we organized an unforgettable PLAYBOYxNEBBIA show. We even brought in dancers to shake up the floors and hypnotize the audience with intriguing visuals and choreography.When Playboy...

10.11.2020 3 minutes

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NEBBIA Now in Brno

Grand Opening The opening of the fourth NEBBIA store in the Czech Republic, this time in the largest shopping center in Brno came with a big bang - a celebration full of special guests, loyal customers and fans of the brand from Czech and Slovak...

26.08.2020 1 minute

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Let Yourself Bloom in the Aloha Babe

"Let yourself bloom!" is not only the motto of NEBBIA's first floral print mini collection but also our message to all women who are not afraid to show their femininity and figure. The intricately designed 3-piece sportswear set including a sports bra, leggings and Brazilian style bikini bottom in a Hawaiian inspired print screams "I am here to bloom and share my beauty with the world!" The Inspiration Behind NEBBIA's First Floral Mini Collection And how did the...

08.08.2020 2 minutes

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June 21, 2020 - It was a Sunday like no other. A celebration of determination, hard work, and the NEBBIA brand. Our team is still powered by the positive energy received from all the guests that came to celebrate the opening of the 2nd NEBBIA store in Prague. So, naturally, we'd like to share the special moments with all of you that could not be there. When we learned that the 2nd NEBBIA store in Prague was to be located at the...

23.06.2020 1 minute

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29.04.2020 1 minute

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Meet the HERO

Life has changed, but our focus remains. So, especially in these unprecedented times, we are more than happy to introduce our newest gym wear collection aptly named HERO. Designed with a modern hero in mind – motivated, ambitious, progressive self-starter that doesn’t give up regardless of circumstances. We are convinced you’re one of them. The modern hero that wants to enjoy high-class, durable, and stylish fitness apparel in and...

22.04.2020 3 minutes

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27.03.2020 1 minute

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We celebrated the 2nd birthday of the Bratislava store!

We were so happy when we opened the NEBBIA store in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia! Our dream came true and it has been two years since this special day. We have met a lot of wonderful people who have become our loyal customers. We really appreciate it and are happy for all the progress you are making thanks to the motivation transformed into our clothes! :) The second birthday party, which we approached a bit unconventionally in the spirit of "Shopping with the...

02.10.2020 1 minute

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Do you know thanks to whom your clothes look and feel great? The answer is very simple. Thanks to you :) To get our clothes to you as you know and enjoy them, to make every piece your favorite pick for your workouts, and to make you look amazing in them, every single piece goes through a long journey. From an idea that our Chief Designer Stanka imagines in her creative mind, through selection of the best materials, dozens of test cuts...

29.01.2020 1 minute

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The outstanding trends in women's workout clothes!

The new Fitness Meets Fashion collection introduced women’s fitness clothing that combines sports fashion with the latest trends. We even dare to say that in our design center we created models which have outdone the current fashion and we are setting new trends not only in fitness wear! Check out what news from the category of fitness leggings and ladies pants are must-have pieces of this year according to our women’s athletes! ...

08.09.2019 3 minutes

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TOP 5 perfectly shaping leggings

Leggings are the most comfortable yet absolutely sexy piece of a woman's gymwear essentials. Therefore we are not surprised that you found your favourites in our collections :) Looking through the history, the iconic gym leggings Scrunch butt have always been the bestsellers!!  We are very glad our...

15.07.2019 2 minutes

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We started the revolution! FITNESS MEETS FASHION

On Saturday June 15th, there was this magnificent show in Refinery Gallery where we introduced our great new collection. The fashion show came with the idea FITNESS MEETS FASHION, which perfectly describes what our designer Stanka wanted to express by the new collection. ...

19.06.2019 1 minute

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Let' not close our eyes NEBBIA x SEAQUAL™️

12 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans and seas every year. More than 90% of the plastic fragments fall to the bottom of the ocean. There is 4,6 billions of plastic altogether in the garbage dumps.  Spain company Seagual TM is working with fishermen, non-governmental communities and departments focusingon elimination of waste in oceans. This garbage is gathered from...

15.06.2019 1 minute

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NEBBIA at the last expo ever!

We consider you part of our family, and this is why we have set off to meet you. This time we visited FIBO, one of the biggest global fitness and bodybuilding exhibitions in Cologne. Our primary goal was to collect as much feedback as possible from you, our customers. We are willing to recommend you the best, and that would be impossible without you. It is like a holiday to us to exchange ideas and experience. Thanks to enormous interest in our products, which we are grateful for, we had...

04.10.2019 2 minutes

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