

Healthy Eating and Dieting: Current Trends According to Nutritionist Zuzana Líšková

Each one of us has a relationship with food. Some love it and crave gastronomic experiences. Others perceive it merely as a necessary way to fill the stomach and replenish energy. In any case, food provides us with much more - nutrients and components beneficial for our health. Healthy eating is a way to incorporate these valuable meal components into our bodies. Ever-changing trends in the field of nutrition lead us to ...

09.04.2023 2 minutes

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Simple Pear Pie with Fragrant Cinnamon

Do you have a sweet tooth? Bake a pear pie, which is really easy to prepare. The base is juicy pears and cinnamon, which will help to create a Christmas atmosphere even in the summer. We also include the nutritional values in the recipe so you can keep your snacking under control. INGREDIENTS:DOUGH:160g spelt flour1 tbsp xylitolpinch of salt100g butter1 tbsp vinegara little...

08.03.2023 1 minute

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Traditional Recipe for Chickpea Hummus

Can’t find the right and tasty hummus recipe? Prepare it according to our recipe and amaze your spouse and friends. All you need is 10 minutes of your time and 8 ingredients. Make sure you have a powerful blender and enjoy a nutritionally balanced breakfast or party snack. Ingredients for four servings of hummus:400g canned chickpeas40g onion1 clove of garlic (or to taste)2g cumin48g...

20.07.2023 1 minute

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Super-Quick Spinach Gnocchi with Cheese Sauce

Prepare a meatless lunch that pleases your taste buds and doesn’t put a strain on your body. Spinach gnocchi with three cheeses can be prepared really quickly and you’ll have time to relax. Or to prepare a pear glass jar? Ingrediencie per four...

07.10.2023 1 minute

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Quick and Healthy Chocolate Recipes from NEBBIA Girls

Chocolate – a sweet that brings us joy and pleasure. Try the world’s favourite sweet in our NEBBIA Girls’ favourite recipes. And that’s completely without remorse. We add the nutritional values to our chocolate recipes, so you can eat sweets and still be fit. Kidney Bean Brownies by KlaudiaINGREDIENTS:1 can of red beans (240 g)1 ripe banana (130 g)1 egg20g...

07.07.2023 1 minute

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Pear Dessert with Cinnamon and Chocolate

Healthy, quick, sweet – simply yummy. You can treat yourself to a pear dessert without regrets whenever you have a sweet tooth. Ingredients per serving:50 g pears1 tsp honey 160 g Greek yoghurt (0.3%)15 g dark chocolate (85% cocoa)cinnamon to tastePreparation:Dice the pears. Leave...

27.06.2023 1 minute

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Asian Buckwheat Noodles with Chicken in Peanut Sauce

Asian-style chicken is one of the super quick and tasty recipes for lunch or dinner. The combination of healthy ingredients with a distinctive honey-soy taste is foolproof. With the nutritional values of chicken dices, you have full control over what you eat. Let’s get cooking together.FOR FOUR SERVINGS YOU WILL NEED:680 g chicken breast40 ml soy sauce40 g honey80 g peanut...

15.06.2023 1 minute

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Stuffed Sandwich with Delicious Chicken and Prosciutto

In cooperation with FitMeal and NEBBIAgirl, Klaudia Mikitkova, we have prepared healthy and tasty recipes that will save you time and give you the energy you need for your sporting activities. A juicy sandwich stuffed with chicken and prosciutto will be the first to please your taste buds. In addition to the sandwich preparation instructions and ingredients, you will...

06.02.2023 1 minute

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How Many Calories Should You Eat? Calculate Your Daily Calorie Intake + 2 sweet FIT recipes

Diet plays a key role in all processes in the body. With the help of metabolism, food is transformed into energy, which the body needs for its proper functioning. The quality and balance of the diet affect the condition of each organ in the body and how it functions. But you probably already know this, so let's move on to the more important facts.   What does the daily calorie intake include, why is it...

20.01.2023 4 minutes

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Lack of minerals and vitamins A, C, D, E, K and their symptoms - find out if you suffer from a deficiency too

In the past, malnutrition and lack of vitamins or minerals was a common part of civilizations around the world, whether in poor African areas, among seafarers and explorers, or in remote areas with a lack of raw materials for their population. Today, we would say that similar problems with a lack of vitamins and minerals do not threaten. After all, every day we come across a number of nutritional supplements that are available to everyone, or the principles of a healthy...

19.01.2023 4 minutes

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Even diets are subject to fashion. What are the current trends in eating and dieting?

Food is what unites us all, but also divides us. It's nothing new that even eating is subject to trends, according to which we follow, try different regimes and diets, test whether they suit us, and maybe even experiment a little with our body. Are you curious which trends are currently dominant in nutrition and dieting? Let's take a look at it together with nutritionist Zuzka Líšková.   Limit carbohydrates to...

16.01.2023 4 minutes

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The original recipe for the popular caesar salad will not take you more than a few minutes

When you switch to a healthier diet, you often worry about whether preparing healthy meals takes too much time, or whether your cooking skills are sufficient. See how simply and really in just a few minutes you can prepare an original caesar salad - a very popular tasty dish. A few ingredients, ultra-fast preparation and a nutritionally balanced lunch or dinner are...

13.01.2023 1 minute

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Healthy salmon with rice noodles

Treat your body well and provide it with much needed omega 3 fatty acids. This recipe makes the job easy for you because 150 grams of salmon contains about 6 grams of omega 3 which is a bit more than the daily recommended dose of 2 – 4 grams. Why is it so important to get enough of them? Our bodies cannot synthesise them therefore omega 3 must be obtained from diet. They have amazing health  ...

01.09.2023 1 minute

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¿Te gustan las Oreos y los donuts? ¡Esta receta es para ti!

¡Prueba estos donuts con galletas! Esta receta combina el sabor de tus galletas blancas y negras favoritas con la suavidad de los donuts. ¿Qué puede ser mejor? Quizás el hecho de que el bajo número de calorías no perjudicará tu figura. Nuestra bloguera de comida fitness Lucka ha utilizado ingredientes nutritivos y de alta calidad, lo que significa que puedes acompañarla con el café o como un desayuno sano y...

01.03.2023 1 minute

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How to properly set a healthy diet? Learn the basics to achieve your goal

In our January challenge, we focused on two main goals - improving your condition or increasing your strength. We know that your goal can be a bit more specific. Maybe you want to strengthen your body, run a marathon in the summer, lift more weight, maybe you want to lose a few kilos or vice versa, gain a few kilos. Thanks to Martina Procházková, a successful bikini fitness expert, come and learn the simple rules by which you can set the right diet and learn basic...

01.01.2023 9 minutes

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The most beloved Christmas tradition in fitness version - Protein Gingerbread

Did you know that the production of honey dough dates back to the Middle Ages? There were even gingerbread guilds in Europe and gingerbread was a valuable sweet that was often a Christmas gift underneath the Christmas tree. Today, baking gingerbread is one of the most popular traditions in many families. They brighten up the home – every member of the family has fun cutting them out and decorating them. In addition, it’s one of the cakes that we simply can’t imagine...

18.12.2022 1 minute

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¿Estás tomando los suplementos adecuados? ¡Consulta nuestra guía sobre los suplementos básicos!

Los suplementos son una parte esencial del culturismo. Algo así como las pesas y los discos. Cada año hay algo nuevo en el mercado que teóricamente promete resultados increíbles, pero a menudo sólo ofrecen el efecto placebo. Sin embargo, puedes encontrar suplementos que son realmente beneficiosos para la salud y rendimiento. ¿Cuáles son? ¿Qué cantidad hay que tomar? Estamos aquí para responder a todas tus preguntas y compartirte una introducción a los suplementos. ¡Estos...

15.12.2022 6 minutes

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Panecillos de vainilla y galletas Linzer. ¡Hornea tus dos recetas navideñas favoritas de forma sana y ligera!

  If we asked you what Christmas smells like, several scents would come to mind – the smell of tangerines or fresh pine needles, but also the smell of fried fish and cabbage soup. But now imagine the time just before Christmas, when families bake Christmas cookies. Do you smell vanilla? :) Thanks to our recipes, you can conjure up the aroma of vanilla rolls and linzer cookies and not worry about whether they are too sweet and unhealthy. We have...

13.12.2022 1 minute

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¿Un consejo para una cena navideña saludable? ¡Este año, prueba la receta de una ensalada ligera de camote!

Who Says Christmas Dinner Food Can’t Be Light? In all cultures of the world, Christmas is a symbol of peace and love, but also of abundance – the most important symbol of which is a Christmas table filled with the most delicious food... The dishes vary from country to country, but they have one thing in common – they are unhealthy. It’s no wonder that after Christmas we often feel full and tired,...

12.09.2022 1 minute

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¿Qué comer luego de entrenar? 6 recetas fitness para ganar músculo

Todos queremos tener un rendimiento perfecto. Lo mejor para cada entrenamiento. estamos buscando los suplementos preentrenamiento más efectivos, los planes de entrenamiento más efectivos, e incluso los mejores horarios para entrenar. Sin embargo, nos olvidamos de lo básico para poder ser los mejores. Una de esas cosas es una alimentación acorde al entrenamiento realizado. Es un elemento importante para perder peso, y aún más importante...

12.08.2022 5 minutes

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¡Nunca hay suficientes proteínas! Prueba esta buenísima receta de espagueti de Halloween con una ración extra de proteínas.

No hay tiempo que perder en Halloween, porque hay que dedicar mucho tiempo a preparar un disfraz de miedo. Prueba esta receta fácil, rápida y saludable que te hace un guiño ;) Gracias a los espaguetis de proteínas extra sabrosos de Max Sport, puedes estar seguro de que obtienes la cantidad adecuada de proteínas. ¡Además, ahora tienes una oportunidad única de ganar un paquete lleno de snacks...

28.10.2022 1 minute

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¡Basta ya con las ensaladas! Estas son 5 recetas para una cena fitness que te sacarán de la rutina

La cena también es una de las principales comidas del día, prepara una que contenga todos los macronutrientes necesarios y al mismo tiempo te gustará. No sólo hay que comer ensaladas con pechuga de pollo con un chorrito de aceite y sin carbohidratos. La cena debe ser ligera para no sobrecargar tu tracto digestivo antes de descansar, pero eso no significa que sólo tengas que elegir entre una lechuga rizada y una iceberg. Nuestra NEBBIA girl, ...

21.10.2022 4 minutes

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Consejos y trucos durante una dieta de competición: ¿Qué hacer cuando todavía tienes ganas de algo?

Todos los que hemos probado una dieta alguna vez conocemos esa sensación. Come su comida y siente que todavía no tiene suficiente. Y mientras come, ya está pensando en la próxima comida, y el tiempo de la dieta pasa tan lento que parece una historia sin fín.Aunque hacer dieta es un momento bastante difícil, existen trucos que pueden distraer a su cerebro de pensar constantemente en comida. Especialmente en la preparación para la competencia, se trata más...

19.10.2022 5 minutes

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¿Cómo elegir la proteína adecuada?

Con todos los suplementos de proteínas en el mercado, uno puede marearse bastante. ¡No se deje paralizar por la amplia selección y elija la mejor proteína para usted! ¿Será suero de leche, vegetales o carne de res? Lo descubrirá en este artículo. Proteína de suero Este es sin duda el rey de las proteínas con el que no se puedes equivoca. El suero se crea como un subproducto de la producción de queso,...

10.10.2022 7 minutes

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Strudel de cacao con pudin de proteína

Los pudines de proteína se han vuelto famosos en las tiendas últimamente. Aparte de los sabores clásicos como vainilla y chocolate, Ehrmann también le ofrece un delicado sabor a avellana,caramelo o el cautivador sabor del café colombiano. Usamos el primero para preparar esta receta fit vainilla. Pero puedes probar con otro sabor y compartir tu creación con nosotros en Instagram. Puedes...

16.09.2022 1 minute

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