„We didn’t want to create just a new collection. We wanted to start a new era in fitness clothing!“
The main idea of the new AW Line, which drops in the fall of 2018, is to bring new trends into men's fitness fashion, to create something bold and at the same time possible to wear, while maintaining the functionality and qualities that are most important for fitness wear.
For more than a year, we've been working on creating a new collection for all men who want to be stylish and care about fashion. It is full of modern and trendy pieces, yet it also provides inherent comfort in exercise. AW Line is sporty clothing in which the man will look good not only during training but also on his way to the gym. The elegance combined with modern and atypical details predetermines every single model for universal wear during the various daytime activities of a man who trains, cares for himself and is motivated to achieve his goals and wants to look great. AW Line is a new Aesthetic Warrior collection.
Modern prolonged cuttings, asymmetrical stitching and interesting color combinations, atypical elements and minimalist logos. These are the new trends in fitness wear, this is what we have created and together with you we will change the look at men's fashion at gyms! We believe that together we will show the world that fit wear for does not have to be boring and ordinary, that fit wear can motivate you to try even more, go further than you wanted and to show what's in you.
There were many people working on the AW Line collection, but the most important of them is our main designer, Stanka, who breathes the soul into every single detail, every single stitching and combination of colors and materials. It was Stanka who had all the models in her imagination much sooner than they had ever become sketches in the studio. She created hundreds of prototypes, testing and upgrading along with our athletes until she finally picked the best of the best.
Do you want to know what's behind the designing a new collection whose main ambition is to change the direction of the entire fitness fashion?
You knew it was time to create a new AW collection. What were your first ideas about what should be its main theme or message?
With time, I don‘t even know what were my first ideas. The design of the collection is a fairly automated process. As a part of the overall strategy, the company passes on me the need to change the collection or asks me to design new models. Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, but with the new AW line it was different. I was very happy when we decided that we were going to change the entire collection. I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and I knew I wanted to come up with something special.
Where do you look for inspiration?
As I have already said, sometimes finding the inspiration is very difficult. But my guaranteed way how to find it is in the gym. I like fitness, I'm happy to go to the gym not only because I workout, but especially because of the atmosphere and people who don’t care whether they are students, lawyers, secretaries or assembly staff, everyone is equally tuned for fitness. Experiencing this great atmosphere, being able to get to know people who are enthusiastic about fitness is the best source of inspiration for me.
Designing fitness clothing requires a lot of thinking and testing, and as with any creative work, creative crises can come. Did you also have some moments when you just couldn’t think of anything good?
Of course, there is a lot of these moments. Many times when I get an idea about some model, I draw it, I'm excited about it, but when the model is made, it's a disaster. That's why our studio is full of samples :) Another such moment is when I have the model ready, we are happy with it in the studio, we proudly present it to our colleagues from the company and they criticize it a lot. Then I am greatly frustrated and reluctant, but fortunately this moment does not last long :)
Who is your best counselor / critic?
There are many critics - colleagues, athletes, but especially Martin. He can sometimes get me very angry. But I think he's doing it purposefully to „kick me“ when I need it. His criticism can motivate me and in my mind I say: „Wait! Your jaw will drop when you see what I am capable of creating!“ :)
How do you like to work with athletes when testing prototypes? Are they looking forward to testing new models? Are their suggestions important to you?
The work with athletes is great. Basically, in each of the models there is a piece of our athlete. I always work with their insights and ideas, and I work with colleagues to design models to suit their demanding requirements. It's great that the athletes themselves are looking forward to the upcoming collections and they really care that the models are not just nice but also functional.
What is exceptional about the new AW Line? Is it different from other men's collections?
The new AW line is completely different according to me. I think the time has come when fitness is not just about going into the gym, working out there, closing the door behind and that’s it. Nowadays, fitness is a lifestyle. Fitness is about health, well-being, good mood. This was our motivation to create the AW collection. We wanted it to be not just models in which you would feel good in the gym but we wanted the collection to reflect the fitness philosophy. And I think we did it. As the collection is not only functional, but also attractive in design and atypical technical elements, you will feel good not only in the gym but also outside of it.
Who is the man for whom you created this new collection?
Who is that man? I don‘t want to put men in boxes. I would also not like it if someone would put a category on me. Everyone thinks he/she is someone special. That's why the man who wears our AW line models is exceptional to me. It does not matter whether he is an athlete, or a "muscular" one. I myself was surprised to see how good Roelly Winklaar looked in AW, and after a while, Ondřej Kmošťák wore the same models and he also looked fantastic in them. Taste is a very personal thing and everyone should wear what they feel good and what suits their personality. I hope that many men will feel good in our new models from AW line :)